ComicsDC ComicsReviews

Trinity #7 Review

Trinity #7 Review

Script by Cullen Bunn

Pencils by Clay Mann and Miguel Mendonca

Inks by Clay Mann and Johnny Desjardins

Colours by Brad Anderson

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (
From the age of about eleven I played the cello and it was a hassle to transport to school and back. One year I was participating in a school concert with the orchestra – we had been working the whole term up to this concert and I got to school and realised I had forgotten the most essential thing, my cello. This issue highlights three of the trinity’s main antagonists and focuses on gathering these three, Lex, Ra’s al Ghul, and Circe, together. This issue had me scared that Bunn would forget or ignore the work that has gone into progressing Lex into Super Lex. Thankfully, Lex has not instantly gone down the villain rabbit hole.

This issue is really a set up for the upcoming arcs, so could have easily been exposition heavy, but Bunn balances information with character development to make this an enjoyable read by itself. Bunn captures each of these iconic characters’ voices and struggles brilliantly, making the interactions between Lex and Ra’s humorous.  The ending leaves me excited to see what these three are going to do in future issues and, ultimately, isn’t that what an issue at the start of an arc is meant to accomplish?

Mann, Mendonca and Desjardin’s art provide some stunning panels, especially the ones evoking some of their famous fights with their hero counterparts. Compared to Manapul’s art it has much heavier ink work and has a darker colour palate, but it suits this issue.


Buy. This issue is a great jumping on point for Trinity and is a good look at three of DC’s major villains without those pesky heroes getting in the way of their character development.


Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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