Action LabComicsReviews

Tomboy #10

Tomboy #10 Review

Story by Mia Goodwin

Art by Michelle Wong

Colour assist by Jesncin

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

This series has only two issues left and, as you would s
uspect, this issue is where everything starts to close in on Addison. However,  whilst it does superbly set up the fights to come and have all the plot lines coalescing, what this issue is truly about is Addison’s relationship with her dad.

Goodwin displays just how far Addison has transformed from the first issue and how it has completely altered her relationship with her father. There are heartfelt conversations and dialogue that is veiled with the transgressions and secrets that both are holding back and not confessing. The rest of the issue sets up the showdown between Addison and her grandpa with the string-pulling Trent, the police and the doctor who, less we forget, has been foreshadowed to be Addison’s downfall. Goodwin has had these forces come together naturally and I can’t wait for the weird supernatural fight that will unfold in the next two issues.

Michelle Wong keeps up the high art standard in this issue, with the clever panelling and placement of words, contributing to an issue which, in many other series, would just be a set up filler. This issue is, however, full of meaning and emotion whilst also managing to put the chess pieces in place.


Buy. For most series with only two issues left I would just say trade wait, but this series is just good enough I would say catch up with the two trades that are already out. Goodwin and Wong have crafted an emotional rollercoaster that has good twists, great art and does not answer your questions straight away.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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