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The TALKING COMICS Pull List – August 10th, 2016


Every Wednesday, the Talking Comics collective will post a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. With the wide range of personal tastes on our staff here, you know there’s bound to be something worth sampling come New Comic Book Day!!!

Then, check back here on Sunday to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!!


This week’s contributors:

And lovingly edited by Joey Braccino (@joeybraccino)

New Comic Book Day – August 10th, 2016



All-Star Batman #1 – By Scott Snyder & John Romita, Jr. 

DC Comics
All-Star Batman #1
  • Like some other Talking Comics compatriots, I feel slightly disappointed that Scott Snyder’s new DC work isn’t outside the realm of Batman, but I can’t help but still be excited for All-Star Batman. On Twitter, Snyder has promised a whole mess of lesser known Batman villains in his story, and with John Romita Jr. drawing I say bring them all on. My one hesitation with picking this up right away (rather than waiting for the inevitable beautiful collected edition) is this book is going to be $4.99! What happened to “all books are $2.99” DC? -John D.
  • I’m more of a trade waiting person since it’s more cost-effective for me, but I do try to pick up #1 issues to decide if I’ll be interested in the run. After reading through 8 volumes of the Snyder/Capullo Batman run, I’m definitely looking forward to this one. Seeing Snyder hype it up on Twitter has made me pretty confident that I’ll enjoy this. With John Romita Jr. on board, I’m already excited to see what the interior art will be like. -Deanna
  • I am so excited for this. I really enjoyed Snyder’s run on Batman for the new 52 and have been (im)patiently waiting for All-Star since Rebirth was announced. I have given the regular Batman a go – and I’ll be honest it grew on me, but it doesn’t have the pull that Snyder’s run did. If All-Star meets my expectations than I will definitely have to let the other one go. I am ready for this bring it on! –Kelsey
DC Comics
Detective Comics #938

Detective Comics #938 – By James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez, and Raul Fernandez

  • I know All-Star Batman is coming out this week but for me this is still the Batman book to be buying every month. James Tynion is crafting an interesting story over in Detective (even if I’m not entirely on board with this arc’s villain) that is pulling together some strong personalities from the Bat family and he’s writing each character extremely well. Not to mention the rotating talent pool of artists this book has been pulling from every two weeks has been outstanding. -John D.
  • The bat-family was hit hard by the New 52. If characters weren’t completely jettisoned, their backstories were either compressed or erased entirely. But in the last 4 issues of Detective Comics, James Tynion IV has restored the legacy to our beloved characters. He has earned my trust and I believe that the predictability of recent plot twists means that he has another card up his sleeve. Will there be a twist on the twist, will Kate reveal the source of all those fabulous red wigs, will Stephanie eat waffles with her mom?! Stay tuned! – Jesse
  • Seriously LOVING THIS SERIES. Keep em coming DC! –Kelsey

Red Hood & The Outlaws #1 – By Scott Lobdell & Dexter Soy 

DC Comics
Red Hood and the Outlaws #1
  • I haven’t read a Red Hood comic so I’m willing to give this one a try. I would like to read about Jason, he seems like an interesting character so I want to see where Lobdell takes him. –Kelsey

Superwoman #1 – By Phil Jimenez

  • I’m going to pick this one up on the premise of Lois Lane having Superman-like powers, because that just sounds rad. It was one of my favorite moments in Grant Morrison’s All-Star Superman and it seems like that idea is being stretched out into a solo series for Lois Lane. Why this couldn’t be called Lois Lane: Superwoman I don’t know, but hey, I’m sure there’s a lame marketing excuse for that one. Phil Jimenez’s art is another draw for me and I’m curious to see if this series can stand out among all the other plethora of amazing DC titles we’re getting right now. -John D.
  • Phil Jiminez is writing and drawing a story about a super-powered Lois Lane. I have only two words, Yass Queen! – Jesse
  • Phil Jimenez crafted a very good Wonder Woman run some years back, and I have every faith that even with what seems some familiar tropes at play here that he will bring some new insights into these situations and characters. Even if he doesn’t, his art is so beautiful that I’d buy a few issues just for that!–Bob
DC Comics
Superwoman #1

Wonder Woman #4 – By Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott

  • In this neck of the woods, it might be a bit controversial to share my love for the Azzarello/ Chaing Wonder Woman run. Their modern Greek epic was always entertaining and beautifully drawn. But if I could steal a quote from Geoff Johns, I would say that it was, “missing something” – it never seemed important. But Greg Rucka is back and he’s chosen a creative team that’s strong enough to help bear the load of this incredibly important title. We’ve only had 4 issues, but I think we are looking at the beginning of a legendary run. (see what I did there) – Jesse
  • I’m always ready for another issue of this series, it hasn’t disappointed me yet! –Kelsey


Black Monday Murders #1 – By Jonathan Hickman & Tomm Coker 

DC Comics
The Black Monday Murders #1
  • Picking this up simply because I thought the description was interesting. And I don’t mind trying out something new from Hickman. I’ll be reviewing this one this week so I’ll undoubtedly have more thoughts on it soon! -Deanna


A-Force #8 – By Kelly Thompson & Paulo Siqueira

  • Every issue of this series has been a gosh-darn delight. The characters love each other and I love them. However, I don’t love that the pending issue is a Civil War tie-in. And I am even less thrilled with the cheese cakey portfolio of Paulo Siqueira, the new regular artist. Fingers crossed – please don’t make my girls fight! – Jesse
  • If you haven’t picked up an issue of A-force, what are you waiting for? Every issue warms my heart and puts a smile on my face. Hoping Cival War won’t ruin it but honestly, who knows. Just hoping the charm this series provides remains after it’s over –Kelsey
  • As do my colleagues above, I have concerns about the direction this story might take, what with the “CW II” intrusion that could derail one of the most entertaining and positive series that Marvel publishes!–Bob
Marvel Comics
ANAD Avengers Annual

All-New All-Different Avengers Annual – By EVERYONE

  • An over-sized issue that has various writers and artists bringing  Kamala’s Avengers fan-fiction to four-color life? I may have dropped ANAD from my pull list, but I’ll be picking this one up!–Bob

Black Panther #5 – By Ta-Nehisi Coates & Chris Sprouse

  • ANOTHER BLACK PANTHER ISSUE!?!?! I feel like we just got one! Is it Christmas!? Guest artist Chris Sprouse joins Ta-Nehisi Coates to kickstart the second arc of Black Panther. After the explosive ending to “Nation Under Our Feet,” things should get super interesting as this break-out series continues. Definitely on the pull list and definitely a multiple-time read. Great book. – Joey

Vision # 10 – By Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta 

Marvel Comics
Black Panther #5
  • If you’re looking for the paprikash-making, sweater-wearing synthezoid from the MCU, then you’re out of luck. This book has been creepy, existential and almost subversive. Tom King has been playing around with huge concepts like nature vs. nurture and the artificial nature of the American suburb. It’s a shame this book hasn’t been more popular. – Jesse


And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!


Joey Braccino took his BA in English and turned it into an Ed.M. in English Education. Currently, he brings comics back in a big way all day every day to the classroom. In addition to proselytizing the good word of comics to this nation’s under-aged…

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