Abstract StudiosComicsFeaturedLegendary RunsPodcast

Legendary Runs Episode Fourteen: Terry Moore’s Echo

What a cool episode. Not only are we talking about Terry Moore and his comic, Echo, but we are talking with Terry Moore himself. Terry is a image1 (6)multi-talented visual storyteller, and we make an effort to talk to him about all of those facets. Needless to say, we are fans. If this episode accomplishes anything, I hope that it inspires you to pick up a copy and read it for yourself!
Also, I should mention: Terry picked the intro music himself!

Check out our companion article here!

You can listen to our episode here!

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Friday (7-15-16)- Podcast: Terry Moore’s Echo

Monday (7-25-16)- Companion Article:Gail Simone’s Secret Six (Villain’s United #1-6, Villain’s United Special, Secret Six#1-6, Secret Six #1-14, 16-36)

Friday (7-29-16)- Podcast: Gail Simone’s Secret Six

Monday (8-8-16)- Companion Article: Alan Moore’s Marvelman(Warrior 1-21) or Miracleman (Miracleman 1-7, 9-16)

Friday(8-12-16)- Podcast: Alan Moore’s Marvelman (or Miracleman)

Monday (8-22-16)- Companion Article: Jim Steranko’s Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strange Tales #151-168, Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1-3 and 5)

Friday (8-26-16)- Podcast: Jim Steranko’s Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (With special guest Bob Reyer!)

Monday (9-5-16)- Companion Article: Brian K. Vaughn’s Ex Machina (#1-50, Specials #1-4)

Friday (9-9-16)- Podcast: Brian K. Vaughn’s Ex Machina 

Monday (9-19-16)- Companion Article: Walt Simonson’s The Mighty Thor (Thor #337-355, 357-360, Balder the Brave #1, Thor #361-362, Balder the Brave #2-4, Thor #363-369, 371-382)

Friday (9-23-16)- Podcast: Walt Simonson’s The Mighty Thor

You can listen to our episode on Grant Morrison’s Animal Man here and also on iTunes. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us at:

Legendary Runs– @legendarypod

Matt Wood– @Johnnymattwood

Mara Wood– @megamaramon

Email at legendaryruns@gmail.com

Matt Wood is a high school English teacher in North Arkansas. His classroom is littered with comic book posters and notes about Hawthorne that are as difficult to decipher as they are to be interested in. Not Matt's fault though, Nathaniel Hawthorne…

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