The TALKING COMICS Review Round-Up
Every week, the Talking Comics collective posts a mega-list of the comics they’re most excited to pull off the shelves that week. Check back here to see if the comics on the Pull List met the team’s expectations with reviews and quippy quotables!!! Click the links to go to full reviews and reflections!!!
Also, check out our weekly Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week column for more coverage of last week’s new books!
Also also, our very own Bobby Shortle is keeping an updated weekly ranking of every new DC Rebirth book!!! Check it out!!!
![B66mS&MrsP #1](
Batman ‘66 Meets Steed & Mrs. Peel #1 – By Ian Edginton & Matthew Dow Smith
- Verdict: “Mrs. Peel…we’re needed–to make sure people BUY this fun comic!” As I thought he would, Ian Edginton does a groovy job of melding two of the Sixties most mod and stylized televison series into a fab book that never feels dated in the least–as opposed to my terrible usage of the slang of my childhood! Some unexpected guest stars, an engaging mystery for the blended cast to solve, and all the characters read as if they stepped out of your old, giant 25-inch Zenith console TV set; what’s not to love?–Bob
![Justice League Rebirth](
Justice League Rebirth #1 – Bryan Hitch & Tony S. Daniel
- Verdict: Skip. I’m trying to come up with a more eloquent way of describing Justice League Rebirth #1 yet the one word I keep returning to is “meh.” And the last thing a book like Justice League should be is meh. But unfortunately, with very wasted dialogue and unflattering art, this book just isn’t Rebirth’s best foot being put forward. Regular series artist Tony Daniel is taking over with the title’s official first issue, so here’s hoping for a better output for this flagship title in issues moving forward. The Justice League deserves it. –John D.
[Editor’s Note: For John’s full review of Justice League Rebirth #1, click here!!!!]
Throwaways #1 – By Caitlin Kittredge & Steven Sanders
![Throwaways #1](
- Verdict: BUY! Filled with twists and turns and jumps in time, Throwaways proves to be exactly the sort of action-packed thriller that I was expecting from Kittredge & Sanders. The chaotic narrative of suddenly-activated sleeper agents makes for a riveting first issue, and the artwork from Sanders in particular is dynamic and distinct. Merging everything I love about noir comics with a political-thriller and filled to the brims with action and intrigue, Throwaways is another promising new series from Image.
Silver Surfer #5 – By Dan Slott & the Allreds
![Silver Surfer #5](
- Verdict: BUY IT TWICE–It’s that good! In good conscience, I can’t say too much about this amazing issue of this ever-wonderful series without spoiling a moment that will make you smile, laugh, say “a-w-w-w”, or bring a tear to your eye, so I’ll just exit with both thumbs way, way up!–Bob
- Verdict: BUY IT THREE TIMES! Okay, maybe that’s excessive but hey, buying this amazing comic three times would still be less than the price of one Civil War II issue, right?! (I kid). Anyway, if you’re tired of events interrupting your precious titles, check out what Dan Slott and the Allred’s are doing on Silver Surfer every month. It’s full of heart, cheer, and above all else, hope. Without spoiling anything, this issue is a showcase of what makes our culture great, and if you need a reminder, look no further than Silver Surfer #5. –John D.
Kim & Kim #1 (Black Mask Studios) – By Magdalena Visaggio & Eva Cabrera
![Kim & Kim #1](
- Verdict: BUY. Kim & Kim is hilarious high-concept sci-fi with a punk edge that simply too charming to pass up. Visaggio’s sincere characterization paired with Cabrera & Aguirre’s dynamic visuals make for one of the best first issues I’ve read this year. Check it!
[Editor’s Note: Check out Joey’s glowing review of the first issue here!!!]
And that’s our Pull List for this week!!! If you happen to pick up any of these books, please join the conversation here or on twitter and let us know what you think! As we update the site with reviews and verdicts on these comics, we’d love to include your input!