
Deadpool Movie Confirmed & Fantastic Four Release Pushed Back

Fox have finally confirmed what so many were hoping for, a Deadpool movie is happening. The Hollywood Reporter says that the film is set for a February 12th 2016 release, with Tim Miller directing his first full-length feature. No deal is in place for Ryan Reynolds to star, but it is highly likely that he will be brought in to play the Merc with a Mouth.

Incase you missed it, here’s the leaked test footage. Featuring a CG Deadpool, voiced by Ryan Reynolds:

Fox have also announed that the Josh Trank directed Fantastic Four reboot will be pushed back from June 19th 2015 to August 7th 2015. The move is expected to take Fox’s Assassin’s Creed movie that was slated for a release around the same time off the release schedule for that year.

Are you excited to see Deadpool get his own movie? Let us know in the comments!

I'm a 36 year old, video game playing, Springsteen loving, Star Wars obsessed dude from Cardiff, Wales.

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