ColumnsComicsSplash Page

Splash Page 9.6.13










Compiled by Brian Verderosa.


Written by many, many hardworking people.


Hello everybody and welcome to Splash Page here on Talking Comics, published every Monday and Friday to bookend your comic book week. Here we will be compiling tidbits and fun comic book oriented stuff for your perusal. Expect to see a lot of lists, infographics, fan art and opinions (both popular and un) on these pages.


If you have something you’d like to submit or point us in the direction of, don’t hesitate to email and put “Splash Page” in the subject line. You can also follow @SplashPageTC on Twitter.



Stan Lee

Variety reports that Stan Lee Media cannot claim ownership of Marvel characters that Lee created. They instead belong to Disney. It’s rare that Stan Lee could ever be considered the little guy, but this sure is the exception!




In case you haven’t yet seen it, Batman weighs in on Ben Affleck playing, well, him.



Over at Uproxx, there is an awesome weekly slideshow of cosplay from around the interwebs. Speaking of webs, I can’t get over these Spider-Man villains — Electro looks like he just jumped off the Marvel Universe Series One card I left at Bobby Shortle’s house.



Laughing Squid has this amazing collection of superhero collages created from recycled comic books. It’s pretty incredible. This is the sort of thing I would love a print of and mounted on my wall. Wait till you see Venom…



More badass for its connection to Boom Studios rather than one of the highest rated shows on basic cable, USA TODAY has posted an article about the limited six issue run of Sons of Anarchy. You can read all about it here.




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