
Gambit #14 Review

Yes, this is the cover to a Gambit comic.
Yes, this is the cover to a Gambit comic.

Gambit #14

Written by James Asmus

Art by Khoi Pham

Color Art by Rachelle Rosenberg

Review by Joey Braccino

Gambit is recruited by Pete Wisdom to stake out a magic store in hopes of recovering a secret book of spells linked to Faerie Realm! Magic and trolls and fairies abound as Wisdom and Gambit play super-spy, super-hero, and super-thief throughout Gambit #14.

James Asmus continues to take our eponymous anti-hero on strange adventures, this time putting Gambit up against mystical enemies and Wisdom’s Britishness. Remy-in-New-Orleans-fighting-the-Assassins-Guild this book is not. Despite its impending cancelation with issue #17, I will say that Asmus has kept up his promise of presenting a new and interesting take on Remy Lebeau’s particular brand of cavalier attitude and struggle with playing the hero.

Khoi Pham takes on the role of artist for this issue. For the first time in a very long time, an issue of Gambit is carried by a single artist. One of the problems that has plagued this series has been the inconsistent artwork, sometimes completed by three artists in a single issue. With Pham’s visual consistency and dynamic artwork, Gambit #14 is a considerably stronger outing than recent issues. Rachelle Rosenberg’s colors give the book a consistent feel to the series as a whole, and her shadowy blues and reds maintain that subversive, thief-in-the-night feel expected of a Gambit book.


Worth a look. Gambit #14 is a relatively self-contained story that features some great character work and some fascinatingly left-field content. This series started off with some Ocean’s Eleven mutant-heist work, and here we are a year later battling fairies in London. Bizarre, yes, but fun. Check it!

Joey Braccino took his BA in English and turned it into an Ed.M. in English Education. Currently, he brings comics back in a big way all day every day to the classroom. In addition to proselytizing the good word of comics to this nation’s under-aged…

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