
Bloodshot #7 Review

Bloodshot 7

Bloodshot #7

Written by Duane Swierczynski

Pencils by Matthew Clark

Inks by Stefano Gaudiano

Colors by Moose Bauman & Chris Sotomayor

Letters by Rob Steen

Review by Adam Shaw


War is hell. Even the bravest of men get scared at times. It is when they are reminded of why they are fighting that they will show a determination and motivation beyond all others.

Project Rising Spirit (PRS) has spent a great many years working to perfect this idea, and have even gone so far as to manipulate and create false memories in their soldiers. Bloodshot is one such soldier. For those of you that have been reading the series since the beginning, this is not news to us. In a strange twist of irony it is what drives Bloodshot. His discovery of false memories is what is motivating Bloodshot to fight against PRS.

In issue #7, Swierczynski has taken us back five years to a time when Bloodshot was still loyal to PRS. The entire story is narrated through the journals of Dr. Kuretich. He is a former PRS doctor, and the one who told Bloodshot about his manipulated memories. This issue is a step away from the present day story, but it provides us with a keen and conscientious look into why Kuretich was not comfortable with the duplicitous nature of Project Rising Spirit.

If you had read the previous issue of Bloodshot, then I think you could skip this issue and not be lost. However, I am not recommending that you skip it! Swierczynski has used an emotional hook to keep us vested in this Bloodshot issue. We’ve been able to empathize with Bloodshot before, but now we can really sympathize and have pity for him.

The art work that Matthew Clark and Stefano Gaudiano serve up adds a lot to the emotion. I really love the pencil work and the various expressions and feelings you get from each individual character. Nothing is distracting, and everything the art team brings enhances the story.


The Verdict

Buy it if you have been looking to see what Valiant has to offer. If you are a new reader this is an excellent jumping on point. Through the narration and opening recap page you get everything you need to understand what is going. The plot is fairly straightforward and simple, but has depth to be explored. Caveat emptor: this book can get bloody.
It’s a short but relevant break from the current ongoing story. Issue #7 injects a much needed jolt of emotion into an already great comic. Be ready, though. It looks like we will be jumping straight back into the thick of it next ish.

Adam is the "Valiant Guy" for Talking Comics. He is the host of the Talking Valiant podcast. Adam also has immense knowledge of the old Star Wars expanded universe. He's a high school English teacher by day, and has a Master's degree…

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