
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #2 Review

This cover is misleading. This comic is actually filled with monsters, mule-kicks, and shape-shifting villains.
This cover is misleading. This comic is actually filled with monsters, mule-kicks, and shape-shifting villains.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #2

Written by Katie Cook

Art by Andy Price

Colors by Heather Breckel

Letters by Robbie Robbins

Review by Joey Braccino

“There’s a path carved into the mountains, some old mine system. We’ll go in there and we’ll be through the mountains in no time!”

Famous last words, Twilight. Famous. Last. Words.

Our pint-sized pony fellowship continues their journey through the diverse lands of Equestria in search of Queen Chrysalis and their kidnapped pony-friends. Issue #2 starts with every pony venturing into the mines and ends tragically for every pony involved. Sound familiar? It should. Part II of the epic “Return of Queen Chrysalis” storyline is reminiscent of the previously-alluded-to Fellowship of the Ring. The mines. The battles with trolls and monsters. The villain’s flying minions. The deterioration of trust. The Tragedy…

No spoilers here. Our ponies are in dire straits in the mines under the mountain. Not even their magic and their friendship (and their friendship that is magic) seems to be helping. What will they do!?!? You’ll just have to read the book to find out!!!!!

And read it you totally should. Katie Cook’s script is brilliant. Filled with wit and humor, the interactions between our equestrian heroines truly achieve “All Readers” status. This isn’t a book targeted to children or adults; it is a book that is accessible and enjoyable by every reader that picks it up. Cook explores genre tropes like the aforementioned odyssey and fellowship, morals like friendship, trust, and first impressions, and, of course, pony puns. Andy Price and Heather Breckel capture the aesthetic of the Hasbro line perfectly, and the vibrant ponies juxtaposed against a dismal, cobwebbed mine creates exactly the sort of intensely fascinating visual and intellectual experience that makes My Little Pony so culturally transcendent.


Seriously. Buy this book. Even if you’re not a Bronie (yet), this is one of the best comics on the stands. It’s shocking to say, I know, but if you want good comics storytelling that truly uses the medium effectively, check My Little Pony out. It’s simplicity masks a deeply satisfying reading experience that is filled with humor, drama, and action that more fanboy-acceptable comics could only hope to match.

Joey Braccino took his BA in English and turned it into an Ed.M. in English Education. Currently, he brings comics back in a big way all day every day to the classroom. In addition to proselytizing the good word of comics to this nation’s under-aged…

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