
Uncanny X-Force #33 Review

Uncanny X-Force #33

Story by Rick Remender

Art by Phil Noto

Review by Mara Whiteside


Just when I think Remender couldn’t get me more excited about Uncanny X-Force, the next issue comes out and takes my breath away. It’s a shame that there are so many X-Men titles out there. I sincerely believe that the insane number of X-Men related books detracts from this series. There are some ties to the main X-Men storylines, but, for the most part, Uncanny X-Force remains in the background telling it’s own jaw-dropping story while the rest of the world moves on from AvX.

Let’s start with the character featured on the cover, Age of Apocalypse Nightcrawler. For his own selfish reasons, he teams up with Mystique and betrays the X-Force. Considering how little time he’s spent in our world, it makes perfect sense that, when presented with an opportunity to exact revenge on the person who killed your wife, he would sell out a team that means nothing to him emotionally. Blob taunts Nightcrawler with how he ate his wife, a poor decision that ends badly for Fred Dukes.

Wolverine is at the mercy of his son Daken. Tied to a chair (with what I assume is some form of adamantium rope because, well, c’mon!), Logan listens to Daken’s longwinded complaints about his childhood and tries to reason with him. Daken is not interested in apologies or pity, and we finally see his plan for his father.

Evan, in the meantime, is constantly in the middle of everything. Though not the focus of beatings by Omega Black, Evan watches as she beats Deadpool to the ground. He then is forced to watch Wolverine suffer. Daken is throwing everything he’s got at this poor kid to make him snap and become Apocalypse. He may get his wish soon.


This series is amazing. The best part is that it is so connected to the beginning of the series, which gives this end arc completion. Who knew that the ramifications of killing a child could lead the team here? This is a well-written issue that leaves more questions (the good kind!) at the end than answers. You won’t get the full impact of the severity of the events in this arc from one issue, so I suggest making sure to get this one when it’s collected in trade paperback.

Mara Wood holds a Ph. D. in School Psychology. Currently, she works for a public school system assessing students for educational placement. Her research focus is comic books and how they can be used in therapy and educational settings. She tends to spend…

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