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Batwoman #13 Review

Batwoman #13

Story by J. H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman

Art by J. H. Williams III

Review by Mara Whiteside


It’s Ladies’ Week in the comic book world, and the first book I had to read is Williams and Blackman’s Batwoman. After the tearjerker issue last month, we’re back with Batwoman and Wonder Woman and there quest to find Medusa.

When we last left Batwoman, she was approaching Wonder Woman to ask for her aid. The current issue explores the first impressions the two women leave on each other. I consider myself to be a very insightful reader, but I never gave a thought about how superheroes viewed each other, and I certainly did not consider that two high-caliber female heroes might be nervous around each other. The writers hit the nail on the head with fears. From the first page, we get front-row seats to Batwoman’s insecurities and anxiety about fighting alongside a demi-god. From Wonder Woman, we can feel her awkwardness as she knows that Batwoman is not totally comfortable around her.

Nerves, anxiety, and self-doubt surround these two heroes as they start to find their stride. It’s one thing meeting an impressive fighter; it’s another to dive right into a dangerous situation without fully knowing their abilities or methods. These fears are more than validated when the ladies approach Medusa’s cell and the monsters that wait them in the prison.

As usual, Batwoman amazes me with the way Williams and Blackman utilize multimodal storytelling. It’s one thing to read the text, but when it’s paired with mirror images of Jake and Bette and their process of training I see the meaning in detail. When the images of Nyx and her bugs fill an entire two-page spread, I get a glimpse of the panic that sets in Wonder Woman when she worries about Batwoman’s safety. Each page turn in this issue is met with brilliant colors, thoughtfully laid-out pages, and a unique storytelling method that is unmatched in the industry.


Batwoman #13 is a buy. Even if you don’t know why they are after Medusa or any of the minor characters, you can still appreciate the interaction between Wonder Woman and Batwoman. There’s a certain amount of mythological horror incorporated into this issue, too. All in all, the World’s Finest arc is going to be spectacular.

Mara Wood holds a Ph. D. in School Psychology. Currently, she works for a public school system assessing students for educational placement. Her research focus is comic books and how they can be used in therapy and educational settings. She tends to spend…

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