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Review: Green Lantern #2


“Sinestro Part 2”

Written by Geoff Johns
Pencils by Doug Mahnke

Inks by Christian Alamy & Keith Champagne

Review by Brian Verderosa

Green Lantern is shaping up to be one interesting book. Helmed by Green Lantern savior himself Geoff Johns, the book left off last month with a wonderful splash page where Sinestro tells Hal Jordan that if he wants his ring back, he’ll do exactly as he says.

And that is pretty much what happens in this sophomore effort. Sinestro creates a ring using his ring, only it has boundaries. It can be turned on and off at Sinestro’s will, and Jordan cannot use it to hurt or affect Sinestro in any way. Think of it as Directive 4 from Robocop. Hal, desperate for any way to rejoin the Corps and make a difference, accepts his terms just as a horrific bridge collapse begins.

In what looks something like the terrifying sequence from this summer’s Final Destination 5, a battle of wits and wills between Jordan and Sinestro play out as innocent people are in peril below.

Johns does a masterful job of keeping the suspense high, however we still have not gotten any real indication as to what caused Hal to be excommunicated in the first place. It is only issue two, however, and I’m sure we have a good deal more story to go. I can’t wait until next week.


Buy it – if you enjoyed last week’s set-up issue, this will pay off nicely.


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