DC ComicsReviews

Review: Batwing #1


Written by Judd Winick

Art by Ben Oliver

It’s Batman meets “Blood Diamond” with a twist of “Dexter.” Batwing #1 introduces us to David Zavimbe, an officer for the Tinasha Police Department by day, African Batman-protégé by night. I knew literally nothing of the character coming into this book, but was pleasantly surprised with what I found. David’s battlefield is a much bleaker landscape than Gotham – almost everyone with any kind of authority is grossly corrupt – which leaves David to clean up the bad guys the “good guys” won’t touch.

Besides genuinely enjoying this introductory issue, I loved the watercolor-like art style of the book.  The art direction of the book lends itself beautifully to both the landscape of Africa and also the intense violence the book presents. Colors and textures are vibrant on the page (or screen), and while I definitely feel that Batwing fits nicely within the Batman universe, the style and content of the book allow David to stand out amongst the rest of the New 52.


A rudimentary Batman knowledge wouldn’t hurt, but everything you NEED to know is presented.


Buy it! – For a new take on the Batman

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