Tag: Olignostics

Monocyte #4 Review

Monocyte #4 Written by Kasra Ghanbari and Menton3 Art by Menton3 Reviewed by Steve Seigh Everything that you've ever known no longer matters. There is a figure, the color of bone and darkness, making it's way…

Review: Monocyte #3

Monocyte #3 Created and written by Menton3 and Kasra Ghanbari Art by Menton3 Reviewed by Steve Seigh Now. When will it be "Now"? When was "Now"? When is "Now"? Imagine a moment lasting only as…

Review: Monocyte #2

Monocyte #2 Created and written by Menton3 and Kasra Ghanbari Art by Menton3 Reviewed by Steve Seigh The war between the Olignostics and the Antedeluvians rages on. The One Eyed skulks the valley of the dead in search of The…