Tag: graham nolan

Review: Blackhawks #3

Blackhawks #3 Written by Mike Costa Pencils by Graham Nolan Inks by Trevor McCarthy Review by Bobby Shortle There is something to be said for being able to admit when you are wrong. Last month I said that Blackhawks was a…

Review: Blackhawks #2

Blackhawks #2 Titus: The Enemy Within Written by Mike Costa Pencils by Graham Nolan Inks by Trevor McCarthy Review by Bobby Shortle Blackhawks #2 may be the hardest review I've ever had to write. Why? Because for all…

Review: Blackhawks #1

Blackhawks #1 Written by Mike Costa Pencils by Graham Nolan Inks by Ken Lashley The Blackhawks franchise was created by Will Eisner way back in 1941. It defined itself by its multi national cast with incredibly stereotypical…