I am a licensed clinical social worker and trauma therapist. Comic book heroes have been a passion of mine since I was a small child. However, making the weekly trip to the local comic book store to redeem my pull list has become a regular occurrence only within the past 4 years. Some of my favorite comic properties include the Incredible Hulk, The Flash, Superman and Paper Girls. My criteria for a good book include: take stupid and fun seriously, and stay self aware.

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joined at February 27, 2017

Basilisk #7

Cullen Bunn, Writer Jonas Scharf, Illustrator Alex Guimaraes, Colors Ed Dukeshire, Letters Recap Basilisk is a story about The Chimera, a group of 5 individuals with powers based on the 5-senses, and the problem they have…

Killadelphia #17

Writer, Rodney Barnes Art, Jason Shawn Alexander Colors, Luis NCT Lettering, Marshall Dillon Recap In this issue, Seesaw revisits an old friend and former minion of Abigail to ask her permission to take some of her

MAW #1

Maw #1 Jude Ellison S. Doyle, Story A.L. Kaplan, Illustrator Fabiana Mascolo, Colors Ariela Kristantina, Cover Cardinal Rae, Letters Recap The issue begins, Wendy and her sister, Marion, travel to a rural area

Killadelphia #16

Rodney Barnes, Writer Jason Shawn Alexander, Artist Luis NCT, Colors Marshall Dillon, Letters Recap In the previous issue, Jupiter pursues a confrontation with Thomas Jefferson, Seesaw seeks to have a

Second Chances #1

Ricky Mammone, writer Max Bertolini, art DC Hopkins, letters Recap This story explores the question: How do I make up for poor decisions? It suggests that if we do not find the right answers then the past will come

Killadelphia #14

Writer, Rodney Barnes Art, Jason Shawn Alexander Colors, Luis NCT Lettering, Marshall Dillon Recap The issue begins with the inner monologue of Abigail Adams and the visual aesthetic of her leading a horde of