FeaturedPodcastTalking Comics

Issue #463: Talking Shop w/ Professor Cocca!!!

Issue #463: Talking Shop w/ Professor Cocca!!!

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Friend of the podcast (and Eisner-winner) Professor Carolyn Cocca joins the show this week to talk about her new book, Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel: Militarism and Feminism in Comics and Film. Also, the gang talks tons of comics, including some bummers in Wonder Woman #763 and Batgirl #49 and some winners like the second chapter of X OF SWORDS and Shang-Chi #1!!!!


Lighting Rounds start the show, and then the interview with Professor Cocca begins at 01:36:20!!!

Comics talked this week: Wonder Woman #763, Wonder Woman 1984 Special, Harley Quinn & The Birds of Prey #3, Fantastic Four #24, The Department of Truth #1, Batman: The Joker Warzone, Shang-Chi #1, X-Factor #4, Strange Academy #3, and Batgirl #49.

The Comic Book Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics (www.talkingcomicbooks.com) The podcast is hosted by Steve Seigh (JoBlo.com assistant EIC & news editor), Bob Reyer, Joey Braccino, Jessica Garris-Schaeffer, Aaron Amos, and Sarah Miles who weekly dissect everything comics-related, from breaking news to new releases. Our Twitter handle is @TalkingComics and you can email us at podcast@talkingcomicbooks.com.


Joey Braccino took his BA in English and turned it into an Ed.M. in English Education. Currently, he brings comics back in a big way all day every day to the classroom. In addition to proselytizing the good word of comics to this nation’s under-aged…

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