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Alienated #1 Review

Alieanted #1 Review

Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Chris Wildgoose
Colours by Andre May
Letters by Jim Campbell
Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

When asked what superpower you would want many answer, the ability to read others minds is often raised. Alieanted uses this idea in a whimsical and interesting way that makes this comic a absolute delight.

We are introduced to three Sam’s who go to the same high school. One is a truther, one just wants to get out of the town and one is the ultimate people pleaser. A diversion through the woods to school leads to a alien encounter and shenanigans ensue. Spurrier structures the comic with bold titles that really helps give a sense of time ,makes the transitions between characters easier, but also a sense of place as it is mainly structured out like a school day (first period, lunch break , etc). If you have ever read Spurrier you know he has a great voice for characters, they come off as genuine people when they could easily become caricatures of high schoolers.

Wildgoose’s art is beautifully cartooned, and May’s colours add a vibrancy to the comic. The distinguishing colours and distortion for the alien sections and to mark out each of the different Sam’s makes this comic more than just aesthetically pleasing, but have some gorgeous images. Especially the mind merge splash page.


Buy. Spurrier , Wildgoose and May have created a fun, new comic. There are surprises and cool ideas abounding with some great visuals; and a blue glowing alien thing so that’s always a plus.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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