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Dceased: A good day to die #1

Dceased: A good day to die #1 Review

Written by Tom Taylor

Pencilled by Laura Braga and Darick Robertson

Inked by Richard Friend, Trevor Scott and Darick Robertson

Colours by Rainberedo

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

The main series of Dceased has been a pleasant breath of fresh air, but really that should have been no surprise given Taylor’s work on Injustice. BUT if you, like me, have wondered what some of the B-D list members of the DC universe were doing/ handling the ‘zombie’ apocalypse. This does a great job and only seemed to prove that Taylor knows these characters and the DC universe inside out.

The main focus is on Mister Miracle and Barda trying to figure out what to do- which involves a reunion of JLI, more booster gold and blue beetle is in my opinion always a good thing. We also see Mr Terrific and the magic side with Constantine in England. This issue feels like the heroes trying to find a solution with each plan having hiccups, the fast pace of which makes the 38 pages fly by. Taylor does well to make the issue not essential to the main series, but it could be pivotal and is a nice window into the other areas of the universe that Taylor would not be able to cover in the main series. It ticks all the boxes, humour, horror, tragedy and poignant character moments. Do yourself a favour and pick it up.

All this is not even to mention the pencils of Braga and Robertson. Robertson pencils are primarily on the Constantine pages, and they bring a gritty euro style that fits Constantine and Braga has a more classic heroic look that still is able to evoke the horror of a ‘zombie’ apocalypse. All coloured beautifully by Rainberedo to create stunning splashes and intimate moments that make this one shot special.

Verdict: Buy.

If you have enjoyed the main series or any of Taylors work this is well worth picking up.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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