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Dark Knights: Metal #6 Review

Writer: Scott Snyder

Pencils: Greg Capullo

Inks: Jonathan Glapion

Colors: FCO Plascencia

Letters: Steve Wands

Dark Knights: Metal #6

All is lost. The earth has descended into the Dark Multiverse. Earth’s heroes have either fallen or in the process of falling. The Justice League has been shattered. Batman and Superman are lost, trapped in a world of endless nightmares. Barbatos and his minions stand triumphant. A hopeless situation, unless you refuse to give up on hope and who in the DC Universe never gives up hope, who refuses to believe in the impossible and is a devout believer in good overcoming evil; Wonder Woman. With Nth Metal Mace in hand Wonder Woman leads the final charge, the last hope, the desperate stand of good versus evil.

Dark Knights: Metal #6 is an incredibly satisfying conclusion to an event that has as felt as dire and finite as its thematic predecessor Crisis on Infinite Earths. Over the course of the six issues of the main series and numerous specials Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, and company have crafted a wonderful event. I knew that this was going to be a big event, a game changing series that would have lasting effects on the DCU. But it grew and it grew as the specials continued to spawn from the core title I became worried that the landing was going to be hard to stick. But in the more then capable hands of Snyder and Capullo Dark Knights: Metal #6 came to a triumphant and glorious conclusion.

Wonder Woman and the last Charge of the DC Heroes

The world does seem on the brink of destruction. The heroes are scattered and beaten but refuse to give in once Wonder Woman rallies them for one last attempt to save the world. With a trip to the Dark Multiverse, a rescue of the World’s Finest, and the appearance of the Element X the DCU stands a chance. Scott Snyder hits so many perfect moments in this issue, beginning with his focus of Wonder Woman and her endearing belief that she and her allies can overcome incredible odds, to her rescue of her fellow members of DC’s Holy Trinity. Snyder also ups his game in one of the most brutal fights he’s ever put Batman through with the most unlikely of allies. While the conclusion isn’t unique it works with what Dark Knights: Metal was intended to be. It also has a post scene coda with wonderful art by Mikal Janin that sets up Snyder’s upcoming Justice League as well as many of the New DCU titles like Sideways and the Terrifics.

Batman vs. the Batman who Laughs in an Epic Throwdown

I had a lot of fun with Dark Knights: Metal and issue #6 was an excellent conclusion. If this is Snyder and Capullo’s run with Batman then it is a worthy conclusion. The story was intense and compelling.The art was detailed and graphic. The tension was high and the fear was ever apparent. It was dark and brooding but bright when it needed to be. I looked forward to each issue and can’t wait to sit down and read everything again. I can’t wait to see where the DCU goes from here and Snyder’s take on the Justice League can’t begin quickly enough. I’m sad to see it end but on a whole Dark Knights: Metal was one of the best recent events and Dark Knights: Metal #6 was an excellent concluding issue and hopefully something that will hold up in the years to come.

John Burkle holds a BA in Political Science and a MA in Education. He spends his day teaching Politics and Government as well passing on a love of comics to the next generation. When not teaching he reads as many comics as he can, both current and…

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