Sonic Mania: You Might As Well! | Talking Games Episode 160
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Talking Games Podcast where we talk about Sonic Mania, Hellblade, Tacoma, PUBG, Titanfall 2 and Uncharted Lost Legacy! Plus we chat about our first gaming memories, the most money we’ve ever spent on a game and Bobby answers the ultimate marry, boff, kill! Please consider leaving us a review on iTunes, it is really helpful to us in reaching a wider audience, as well as boosting our already inflated egos. We would like to say a big thank you to those of you who already have. Also thank you to every person who has listened to our show, you are giving us a valid excuse to play and talk about video games, it is a passion we all share!
Until next time,
Bobby, Huw, Kelsey, Matt, Sam and Justin
Bobby Shortle
Huw Parry
Justin Townson
Kelsey Hlavaty
Matt Wood
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Justin – Worstninjaever
Huw- huwpaz
Kelsey- khlava13
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Justin – Joroak
Steam –
Bobby Shortle – Angelus104
Justin – Joroak
Social Media and Contact Information
Email us at
Twitch – TalkingGames
Justin: @joroak
Bobby: @bobbyshortle
Kelsey: @Kelssamus
Huw: @H_paz
Matt: @Johnnymattwood
Please consider leaving us a review on iTunes, it is really helpful to us in reaching a wider audience, as well as boosting our already inflated egos. We would like to say a big thank you to those of you who already have. Also thank you to every person who has listened to our show, you are giving us a valid excuse to play and talk about video games, it is a passion we all share!
Until next time,
Bobby, Huw, Kelsey, Matt and Justin