Action LabComicsReviews

Tomboy #12 Review

Tomboy #12 Review

Written by Mia Goodwin

Art by Michelle Wong

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

This is the final issue of Tomboy and this series has a special place in my heart as it is the first indie series I picked up and every issue has delivered. After the last issue where the body count got considerably higher, you might be left wondering just how this series will end, let alone in a satisfying way, but the creative team pulled it off.

Addison is right where she was shown to be all those issues ago, but before I go into Addi’s rooftop conversations there are other things that occur. The detective who has been close on Addi’s tail enters the courthouse to see the aftermath, only to be knocked out by Iris (the doctor friend of Addi’s grandpa). Then behold the ghostly form of Jessica appears to explain how Addison became the scarlet queen who can warp reality. After the exposition, it leads to the final confrontation of Addison vs Iris vs Ghostly Jessica. This is where Wong shines with a brilliant use of colour and facial expressions that mean that even though this is not the most graphic or emotional issue, the twists and action feel satisfying and a fitting pay off. Also, the fact that Wong seamlessly makes people transition from normal to almost demonic versions of themselves without it being jarring is a feat.

Goodwin does not explain outright everything in this final issue, leaving you to piece some of it together, which makes this world feel real and lived in because Addison’s story is but one, a major one, but one of many. Yet enough is given that you do not feel short changed, instead, I am left feeling that I would love to see more of this world and characters that Goodwin has so brilliantly crafted.

This series is about family, dealing with loss, friendship, vigilantism and forces beyond our control, but at the heart of it is a beautiful story of a girl who lost her best friend and is trying to find some sense in all the craziness.


Buy (Get the trade). This has been the stand out series for me from Action Lab and I will definitely be following the creators, as this is a touching comic that knows how to pull on the heartstrings, but delivers some graphic images at the same time and anyone that can balance that with some stellar twists thrown in is someone to watch out for in the future.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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