
Faith and the Future Force #1 (of 4) Review

Faith and the Future Force #1 (of 4) Review

Written by Jody Houser

Art by Stephen Segovia and Barry Kitson

Colours by Ulises Arreola

Letters by

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

If you had the opportunity to time travel would you take it, personally I would love to see the sack of Rome, but I think that would not be a wise choice. This comic offers this to the valiant superheroine Faith who is approached when she is working her ‘Clark Kent’ job by Neela Timewalker who spouts her best terminator/doctor who impression. Faith meets Neela’s partner Ank (a dinosaur person, could there be a better person) and is informed that she is needed to save reality and then the three are whisked off to the civil war era. This is where an evil robot that looks like a slim toaster is on a rampage.

At first, I did not know how this, on the surface, simple story could necessitate four issues; but Houser gives the story an entertaining twist, that plays with the time travel conventions to extend this story without feeling forced. Houser in this comic does a brilliant job of capturing the characters voices and highlighting their personalities for newer readers, but encapsulating them in a story that is just simply fun to read. I mean an evil time travelling robot toaster needs to be fought by a fangirl Superman and a dinosaur woman, what is not fun about that.

The art is the standard house style, which is by no means an insult as the valiant style is good art, but it is nothing spectacular.


Check it out. This seems like it will be a fun (and short) summer crossover in the Valiant universe. If you want a more light-hearted event this summer or have been curious about Valiant this is a great issue to pick up.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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