ComicsDC ComicsFeaturedLegendary RunsPodcast

Legendary Runs Episode 20: Scott Snyder, Jock and Fracesco Francavilla’s Detective Comics

Everyone has skeletons in their closets, right? Family members that you aren’t quite proud of? Multiply that time a hundred and you got James Gordon Junior (JGJ): Commissioner Gordon’s OTHER kid. Mara and Matt spend this episode relishing in the lighter load, but the heavier subject matter that is Scott Snyder’s Detective Comics. In this run, we see Dick Grayson taking on the challenges of being the other Batman, Commissioner Gordon facing his terrifying psychopath son, and killer whales dealing with banking problems. Or maybe it’s banks dealing with their killer whale problems? Either way, when the sharply sinister writing of Scott Snyder meets the unforgettable artwork of Jock and Francesco Francavilla you know you are going to have a spooky good time!


Make sure to check in next time when we discuss Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s Locke and Key

You can listen to our episode here!

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Friday (10-21-16) Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s Locke and Key with special guest, Melissa Megan (Welcome to Lovecraft, Head Games, Crown of Shadows, Keys to the Kingdom, Clockworks, Alpha and Omege)

Friday (11-4-16) Geoff Johns’ Hawkman (Hawkman 1-25, JSA 56-58, Hawkman: Secret Files)

Friday (11-18-16) Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo (Fantagraphics) (The Ronin, Samurai, Wanderer’s Road, Dragon Bellow Conspiracy, Lone Goat and Kid, Cricles, Gen’s Story)

Friday (12-2-16) Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force (Uncanny X-Force 1-35, 5.1, 19.1, Wolverine: Road to Hell, X- Men Spotlight)

Friday (12-16-16) Jonathan Hickman’s Secret Warriors (Mighty Avengers 13, 18, Secret Warriors 1-28, Dark Reign: The List- Secret Warriors, Siege: Secret Warriors, Dark Reign: New Nation)

Friday (12-30-16) Tsgumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata’s Death Note (Chapters 1-108)

Intro Song: “Cats in the Cradle” by Harry Chapin

Reach out to us:
Twitter- @legendarypod, @johnnymattwood, @megamaramon

Matt Wood is a high school English teacher in North Arkansas. His classroom is littered with comic book posters and notes about Hawthorne that are as difficult to decipher as they are to be interested in. Not Matt's fault though, Nathaniel Hawthorne…

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