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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 09/17/16

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 09/14/16

Hey, thanks for checking out Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week!

You’ve got to admit, New Comic Book Release Day is pretty much the best day of the week. It’s the day we’re introduced to new worlds, are able to witness the next chapter in a continuing saga, or fall in love with a character or creator for the first time. I could go on and on, but I think you’ve already gotten my point. That point being … comics are awesome. So awesome in fact that even the covers of them are often times incredible works of art. We’re here to show you some of our favorite covers each week! So go ahead and take a few moments for yourself (haven’t you earned it?) and feast your eyes on some truly inspired comic book covers!


Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #4

Written by Cristos Gage

Art and Cover by Travel Foreman


Hot damn! I love the sense of perspective and action this cover exudes.

House of Penance #6

Written by Peter J. Tomasi

Art and Cover by Ian Bertram


What an epic cover to wrap up this twisted series!

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2

Written by Julie Benson – Shawna Benson

Art by Clair Roe

Cover Art by Kamome Shirahama


I might not be reading this title, but I know a damn fine cover when I see one.

Doom Patrol #1

Written by Gerard Way

Art by Nick Derrington

Variant Cover Art by Babs Tarr


Ahhh, this arcade inspired cover is taking me back to a time when things were good.

Superwoman #2

Written by Phil Jimenez

Art by Phil Jimenez – Matt Santorelli

Variant Cover Art by Terry & Rachel Dodson


Super-powered women are truly on the rise, this year, and this playful cover is just another example of how powerful and badass a woman of the DC universe can be.

Gwenpool #6

Written by Christopher Hastings

Art by Irene Strychalsk

Cover Art by Stacey Lee


Oh Gwenpool, you’re always up to something.

Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week


Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist/Cover: Nicola Scott


What better way to lead off than this beautiful cover!

LADY KILLER 2 #2 (Dark Horse)

Writer/Artist/Cover: Joelle Jones


It’s always such a chore cleaning up under the sink, don’t you agree?

Speaking of Ms. Joelle Jones…


Writer: Chelsea Cain
Artist: Kate Niemczyk
Cover: Joelle Jones


As she’s passing through the Bermuda Triangle, perhaps Bobbi can drop in and visit Josie Schuller’s 1960’s Cocoa Beach home?

SCARLET WITCH #10 (Marvel)

Writer: James Robinsin
Artist: Kei Zama
Cover: David Aja


The only thing keeping from howling in outrage from not seeing a Joelle Jones cover to this issue is the utter perfection of David Aja’s!


Writer: Brendan Fletcher; Various
Artist: Adam Archer
Variant Cover: Fiona Staples


Superbly creepy work by Ms. Staples–check out “giant” Maps peering around the corner of the set!


Writer/Artist/Cover: Phil Jimenez


This disturbing image better not presage what I think it does, or I’m going to be very cranky on next week’s show, is all I’m sayin’ !


Writer: Various
Artist: Various
Cover: Sam Shearon


More creepiness on this cover by Sam Shearon, incorporating images from some of Mr. Matheson’s most noted works such as “Hell House”, “Duel”, “The Shrinking Man”, and “I Am Legend”, stories that are all contained within!

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week Soundtrack

What I have for you this week is a beautiful cover of the song “Ain’t No Sunshine” as performed by the band Rituals of Mine (formally known as Sister Crayon). Originally written by the musical artist Bill Withers, this haunting rendition will get into your bones.

That’s all, folks! Join us next week for another round of covers and an avalanche of incredible cover art!

This is a column featuring Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 09/14/16 as chosen by Steve Seigh and Bob Reyer of Talking Comics.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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