
Jem and The Holograms Valentine Special Review

Jem and The Holograms Valentine Special
Written by Kelly Thompson (@79SemiFinalist)Jem-and-the-Holograms-Valentines-Day-Special-1-600x923
Art by Jen Bartel (@heyjenbartel)
Colors by Paul Reinwand (@paulreinwand)
Letters by Shawn Lee
Review by Hafsa Alkhudairi

“Jem! The music’s contagious, outrageous!
Jem is my name; No one else is the same!
Jem is my name! Jem!” – Opening Song

Happy Valentine’s Day! And what is better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day then be wonderfully geeky and read a Valentine Special comic originating from an 80’s cartoon with awesome female characters! Also, if you are a subscriber you get an awesome Jem and The Holograms Valentine Special’s card-like cover that you can gift to yourself or whoever you would like!

Kelly Thompson, true to form, has delivered one of the cutest romantic comedy (light on the romantic) stories in this special. As usual, the characters are true to the original cartoon with a contemporary twist satisfying both the nostalgic and the modern sensibilities. The story starts with Kimber visiting a fortune-teller and overreacting in her overdramatic way making a hilarious situation borderline ridiculous. The misadventure that ensues is a used idea, but presented in the most dynamic and original method. The story leaves the reader highly amused. I liked how the story reminds us that different people love differently. Some people are more direct while others may not love in the most traditional ways. Jem and the Holograms Valentine Special is a reflectance of how people may be spending February 14th!

LOVE is in the water! Or was it in the air?

Jem-and-the-Holograms-Valentines-Day-Special-5The art in Jem and the Holograms Valentine Special is also true too the cartoon with a Jen Bartel twist! She has an eerie style that combines beautiful imagery with the subliminal designs and that contrasts perfectly with the adorableness. The story demands cute characters and the art delivers. It is specifically true with the communicative facial expressions shown whether in frustration, petulance, innocence, happiness, love or anger. The fluctuation of emotions is reminiscent of the highs and lows of love. This is very relevant for such a valentine special!

Another way emotions were expressed is emoticons! It’s a fun way to deliver the thoughts and feelings of characters when we can’t see their faces or their bodies. It delivers their inner thoughts without prying. For such a story, the use was perfect! The emoticons kept the story light and funny putting aside the dark main storyline for Jem and the Holograms Valentine Special. Also, keep your eye out for the double page spread! The presentation of the panels in that spread was amazing and gorgeous.

Just succumb to your feelings and fall in love!

Buy it! The story was fun and fluffy. It helps the reader reduce their stress and just have a relaxing time reading. There is love and passion induced into the making of Jem and The Holograms Valentine Special. It definitely translates well into the experience of the book. The story is one of the more fun narratives I’ve read for Valentine’s Day. It isn’t romantic but it is comedic. There is an abundance of love and amusement to be experienced.

Hope you enjoy it and have fun!


Hafsa Alkhudairi is a student at Ryerson that lives in Toronto. She is graduating undergrad in June and has her heart set on graduate school and becoming a professor. Current Project; taking as many English Literature classes as possible!

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