
Venture #1


WRITER: Jay Faerber

ARTIST: Jamal Igle

COLORIST: James Brown


This is the first title I have read from Action Lab Studios, and I’m happy to say that Venture # 1 did not disappoint. It was an exciting read through and through, which kept me wanting more after each page.


The writer, Jay Faerber, who I had only read a few things of before i.e. Copperhead and his early work at Marvel with Generation X, tells a great story within the issue in addition to planting seeds for what’s to come. Jamal Igle’s art is very well suited to the book and has an incredibly vibrant feeling that, to me, almost makes the characters jump off the page.

The book centres around high school history teacher Joe Campbell, who seems to have no past, and a reporter by the name of Reggie Baxter – who isn’t having much luck getting the assignments he craves from his newsroom. In this issue, Reggie stumbles onto a secret that may change everything for him.

This was a really engrossing read for me and I loved it from the first page all the way through, the writing kept me hooked and the art made me feel like I was right there, experiencing the events as they happened. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants something different in the superhero genre.

Venture – Issue 1 is out now from Action Lab Studios

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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