ColumnsFavorite Comic Book Covers of the WeekFeatured

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 02/11/15

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 02/11/15

Hey, thanks for checking out Talking Comics: Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week!

Each and every New Comic Book Release Day is a blessing. It’s the day we’re introduced to new worlds, are able to witness the next chapter in a continuing saga, or fall in love with a character or creator for the first time. I could go on and on, but I think you’ve already gotten my point. That point being … comics are awesome. So awesome in fact that even the covers of them are often times incredible works of art. We’re here to show you some of our  favorite covers each week! So go ahead and take a few moments for yourself (haven’t you earned it?) and feast your eyes on some truly inspired comic book covers!


So without further or due let’s get this week’s selections highlighted!

Steve Seigh’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week

Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #5

Written by Ales Kot

Art by Langdon Foss

Cover by Mike Del Mundo


Mike Del Mundo is at it again with this stunning cover. I would NOT want to mess with this skull-faced killer even on my best day.

Satellite Sam #11

Written by Matt Fraction

Art and Cover by Howard Chaykin


I’m never one to shy away from a tastefully sexy cover, and this beauty is white hot!

Guardians of the Galaxy #24

Written by Brian Michael Bendis

Cover by Valerio Schiti


I’ll be the first to admit that I’m developing something of a fetish for the art of Valerio Schiti. Would you look at that Captain Marvel! Ughf!

Spider-Woman #4

Written by Dennis Hopeless

Art by Greg Land

Cover by Greg Land & Frank D’ Armata


Jessica is in no mood for your nefarious plans or judgement. This is one Spider-lady who’s ready to throw down if need be, and stands as a hero who will stop at nothing to win the day.

Bob Reyer’s Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week


Writer: Amanda Conner; Jimmy Palmiotti

Artist: John Timms

Cover/Variant Cover: Amanda Conner


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It’s sort-of like “the Kiss” between MJ and Spidey in the firsy Sam Raimi film, except that this one is all Harley…and Amanda Conner, of course!


Writer/Artist/Cover: Darwyn Cooke

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I may have to buy this new edition just for the cover, and because I can’t for the life of me remember who I lent the single issues to…or how long ago, for that matter!

THOR #5 (Marvel)

Writer: Jason Aaron

Artist/Cover: Russell Dauterman

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It looks as if Thor has things well in hand here, thanks to this cover by Mr. Dauterman, who’s quickly becoming a favorite!


Writer: Jeremy Whitley

Artist: Soojin Paek

Cover: Rosy Higgins

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Jeremy Whitley’s marvelous all-ages Princeless returns with this tale set on the high seas, as Adrienne may have found a new compatriot!

And now, another edition of Not the Cover of the Week!

(For good reasons this time, as the image below isn’t a cover, but a poster by Javier Rodriguez!)

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week Soundtrack

Whoa, what?! That’s right, after a four year sabbatical, Incubus is back with a brand new song, and it’s … actually really good. Well, you know, for Incubus – a band that I will always love because of their first 3 records but has since lost their way after becoming a featured band on MUZAK. Yeah, I know that “Drive” is a good song, but it killed this band, along with the album “Morning View”. Anyway, Boyd and the band are back with a brand new jam that’s got lots of fun lyric-play as well as some pretty tasty bass licks that put this band on the map in the first place. I hope you enjoy the song, it’s called “Absolution Calling”.

That’s all, folks! Join us next week for another round of covers and an avalanche of incredible cover art!

This is a column featuring Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week 02/11/15 as chosen by Steve Seigh, Bob Reyer, and several staff members and fans of Talking Comics.

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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