
Marvel Annouce First All-Female Avengers – ‘A-Force’

Today, on US chat show ‘The View,’ Marvel announced the first ever all-female Avengers book. Titled ‘A-Force,’ the book will be co-written by ‘Ms Marvel’ scribe G. Willow Wilson and Marguerite Bennet, author of ‘Angela: Asgard’s Assassin.’  The book will see ‘X-Men’ artist Jorge Molina on art duty.


The A-Force team will replace the regular Avengers during the Secret Wars event and will feature She-Hulk, Medusa, Dazzler, Nico Minoru and many of Marvel’s other top female heroines. The title will also see the introduction of a new, cosmically powered super heroine, called Singularity. The team will come be brought together in the Paradise region of the Battle World, inhabited solely by females, to fight a foe from deep within Marvel’s history.

“We’ve purposefully assembled a team composed of very different characters — from disparate parts of the Marvel U, with very different power sets, identities and ideologies,” said G. Willow Wilson of A-Force. “They’ll all have to come together to answer some big questions: What would you sacrifice to succeed? What is being a hero worth?”

Secret Wars hits in May this year.

What are your thoughts on this new title? Let us know in the comments!

I'm a 36 year old, video game playing, Springsteen loving, Star Wars obsessed dude from Cardiff, Wales.

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