
The Amazing Spider-Man #10 Review

The Amazing Spider-Man #10

Writer- Dan Slott

Penciler- Olivier Coipel 

Inker- Wade Von Grawbadger

Colors- Justin Ponsor


As I sit here planning on what I want to talk about for this review of Amazing Spider-Man #10, I find that I keep glancing over at the cover of the issue and wonder about how I would go about getting it made into a poster. Each time I try and formulate my words to describe how I feel about the book, all I can think about is the art within. So let’s talk about how absolutely jaw dropping this book looks before we talk about anything else.


Yep, after two issues I’m officially spoiled now and don’t know how I can go back. I’ve mentioned previously what a huge fan I am of the art on this book normally but really, Olivier Coipel adds something to this title that wasn’t there before. Coipel perfectly captures a wide range of expressions from characters in way that I don’t remember seeing from him before. He’s always been very good but this looks fantastic. A great example of those shown expressions is perfectly drawn on the last page; there we can feel Peter’s anger over what is playing out in front of him. With a few issues to go I believe that I’m going to be talking about this artwork quite a bit.

Dan Slott is no stranger to books stuffed with craziness and this issue shows that off in a big way.  Near the end of the book there is so much happening and so many characters going off in different directions with tie-in notes about other series, I found it was a bit jarring. I gave it a few reads just to make sure I got everything. Last issue I mentioned how much fun Slott seemed to be having with Spider-Verse and that continues here. Identities are revealed within this issue that had me slapping my forehead in disbelief and scenes play out in a way that would make even the most casual Spider-Man say “that’s pretty cool.” One thing that I did notice is the way The Superior Spider-Man is handled here. While Otto was running around in the suit, he was written differently by Slott and Christopher Yost (who wrote Superior Spider-Man Team-Up). The latter writer wrote an Otto who was a jerk but was beginning to see the error of his ways, the former wrote him as just a plain jerk, and that’s what we have here. That’s slightly disappointing in a way but it’ll be interesting to see how Superior and Amazing coexist moving forward.


Buy this!  This is how events should feel. When you feel your excitement rise just by looking at the cover, when you feel glee when you see the pages within,when you read it again immediately and look to see when the next issue hits. That’s what comic events should feel like. This is one of those events. Spider-Up and read this.

Husband, Father, Nerd. Comic Book reader & Video Game player. You can find me weekly as co-host of the Talking Games Podcast and as a site contributor for Talking Comics.

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