
Marvel Reveal Meaning Of Teasers With ‘Secret Wars: Battleworld’ Trailer

For the last three weeks, Marvel have been teasing us with the return of multiple past events. Now we can rest easy, Marvel have released a video which reveals the answer to the mystery behind those teasers.

The trailer shows us that each of these events will make up what appear to be individual countries on a planet called ‘Battleworld.’ The trailer does leave us with one new question, what causes these realities to collide and form a new Battleworld?

Check out the trailer below!

This won’t be the first time we’ve seen a Battleword, the first iteration appeared in ‘Secret Wars #1’ and was pieced together by The Beyonder. He used different pieces of multiple planets to create a battlefield for the heroes and villains of earth. His motivation was his need to learn more about the concepts of good, evil and desire.

What do you think will bring around this new Battleworld? Let us know in the comments!


I'm a 36 year old, video game playing, Springsteen loving, Star Wars obsessed dude from Cardiff, Wales.

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