
Delinquents #2 Review

Delinquents #2

Written by James Asmus & Fred Van Lente

Art by Kano

Letters by Dave Sharpe


Delinquents #2 continues with the fun and adventure that started last issue, but this time around the action is kicked up a notch. The combination of James Asmus and Fred Van Lente is a recipe for guaranteed fun.

Delinquents 2You can see each of the writers’ styles and influences from their own titles on the writing in Delinquents. There is the “ever aware this is a superhero comic” tongue-in-cheek style of humor from Asmus, and the whacky secret society / evil corporations from Archer & Armstrong and Fred Van Lente. The story beats are hitting especially hard, because they are often paired with some wicked humor. There is something humorous and enjoyable in almost every panel and word balloon on the page.

The teams finally meet in this issue, and there was quite a misunderstanding. The ensuing brawl separated the fighting between Quantum and Armstrong, and Woody and Archer. The match ups were delightful, and the bonding between the pairs post fights was entertaining. It was nothing relatively huge in the grand scale of comic books, but I found the results to be unexpected, enjoyable, and pretty hilarious.

Kano’s art style is a great fit for the story. It has a slight cartoony feel to it that adds to the humor, and helps to sand down the more serious sides of the story. Simply, it adds to the overall fun of the series.

The Verdict

If you enjoyed issue #1 of Delinquents then there is no excuse to not pick up issue #2. The humor and absurdity offers a fun twist to superhero team-up stories.

Adam is the "Valiant Guy" for Talking Comics. He is the host of the Talking Valiant podcast. Adam also has immense knowledge of the old Star Wars expanded universe. He's a high school English teacher by day, and has a Master's degree…

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