
Superior Spider-Man #32 Review

Superior Spider-Man #32

Plot- Dan Slott

Script- Christos Gage

Pencils- Giuseppe Camuncoli

Review by Justin Townson


It took all of one issue to get me on board with Superior Spider-Man, and for 31 insane issues I enjoyed the ride.  Now a few months after the series has ended we get to look back at the untold tale of where Otto disappeared to in issue 19.  That mystery leads directly in the fast approaching Spider-Verse.  Spider-Man fans should squeal with absolute delight and glee while reading this.  I can honestly say that I did.

Spider-Verse isn’t just on the horizon anymore; this issue showed us that the conflict has already begun.  As such, this feels like an integral part of the story rather than just being a table setter for the upcoming multiverse hopping storyline.  This issue is just a heap of fun plain and simple.  I’ve grown to love the brash arrogant bravado of Otto; it’s the perfect counterpoint to the self-depreciating attitude of Peter.  Seeing his antics while trying to return to the present when he’s stuck in the year 2099 is as humorous as it is entertaining.  Later, as the issue takes a turn for the dark, we find Otto’s arrogance quickly change to a more serious tone.  If there was one complaint about the Superior run, it’s that each issue was over stuffed with plot.  There is a lot of things going on in this issue but it doesn’t feel overcrowded at all. The reason for that is really good writing by Christos Gage.  While Dan Slott laid out the plot, Gage has a firm handle on how to take that and script it to get the most out its characters, especially Otto.

Giuseppe Camuncoli really gets to flex his muscles in this issue.  Not only do we get him drawing awesome aerial battles and sequences in the neon 2099 future, but we get to see his take on a few of the other Spider-Verses and their Spider-Men.  His pencils seem to fit the Superior Spider-Man’s world more so than Peter’s.  Humberto Ramos draws a more kinetic and agile Spider-Man whereas Camuncoli draws an intimidating hero.  Looking at it just feels right.  While each page is exciting and very well done, the double page spread near the end of the issue made me want to jump out of my chair and cheer.



 Buy it. Dan Slott originally pitched the idea of Spider-Verse with Otto being the center of the story.  Eventually he took the advice of other writers like Mark Waid that this story had to be Peter’s story.  That being said, I need more Otto, and I hope Slott finds a way to give me more of him during this tale and beyond.




Husband, Father, Nerd. Comic Book reader & Video Game player. You can find me weekly as co-host of the Talking Games Podcast and as a site contributor for Talking Comics.

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