
From The Forum: 02-27-14

Hello, everyone! This time I thought we would take a look at some of the big news happening all over the comic world and see what you all think about it.

First, probably the biggest–and possibly most controversial–piece of news last week was the announcement that all four of the titular roles for an upcoming Fantastic Four reboot have been cast. If you haven’t heard, they are as follows: Mr. Fantastic–Miles Teller (21 & Over, That Awkward Moment), The Thing–Jamie Bell (Jumper, The Adventures of Tintin), Susan Storm–Kate Mara (House of Cards, American Horror Story), and Johnny Storm–Michael B. Jordan (The Wire, That Awkward Moment.)

Our own xtjmac510x says: “I actually really like Kate Mara as Sue and think she’ll do a great job. Ever since I watched House of Cards, I’m willing to give Kate a chance in anything. As for the other two? On their own, Jamie Bell and Miles Teller are good actors. But as The Thing and Mr Fantastic? I’m not too sure. I’m in wait and see mode right now.”

The ubiquitous deadfett has a point: “I think this movie just reeks of “Hey we’re about to lose our FF movie rights if we dont make a film here soon. Lets just throw something together to keep this from going back to Marvel”. I hate to be negative but I really wish Disney would just take a blank check, hand it to Fox and say “Here, put how ever many zeroes you want on this and just give us back the rights to the X-Men and FF”.”

Zooma echoes the group by saying: “Kate Mara is fantastic, and so is Michael B Jordan…. The rest, what ever. But I had no idea the film has three writers! That never, ever works out in the end. This movie is dead on arrival. I’m still going to watch it”

Though our beloved and most venerated Fantastic Four fan, Bob Reyer, has dubbed the film “The Foux-tastic Four,” the rest of the group seems to be willing to wait and see for now, albeit with some skepticism. Personally, I’m proud to call myself a member of this forum where not a whisper of the controversy of Michael B. Jordan’s race that has been so prominent on the rest of the internet appeared. Way to go TCB members!

Next, we take a look at our event fever/fatigue with a discussion about Marvel’s upcoming event Original Sin. This new event will focus on the death of the Watcher and the search to find his killer. It will be written by Jason Aaron (Wolverine and the X-Men, Thor: God of Thunder), and drawn by Mike Dedato (Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, New Avengers.)

Though there has been some debate in the thread as to the definition of an event, you all seem mostly positive for this upcoming story.

Captain Superior said: “I’ll be picking this series up. I’ll pick up any book with Jason Aaron and Mike Dedato as the creative team.”

joestate postulates: “I’m interested, the watcher has always been a pretty interesting character to me. I’m wondering if there will be some kind of retaliation from the rest of the watchers, forcing them out of their vow not to interfere.”

And wylietimes plans on breaking out of his box: “I normally steer away from events [but] with Scott Lang and Winter Soldier as main characters, I will probably be getting this.”

Finally, as many of you know, The Movement has been cancelled over at DC. Though the TCB crew have been joking about it on the podcast for a while, it seems as though the Bob Reyer Curse may be a real thing. The title will finish with issue #12, and if anyone is interested, forum member Simon posted Gail Simone’s statement on the cancellation here.

lennyreid lamented: “Huge shame. The Movement was one of the first books I was on board with from the beginning and the creative team made it easy to love quickly”

thephantomwelshman hopes: “This is hugely disappointing, but it’s something I’ve been expecting. With any luck the characters will show up in other books.”

And Bob himself posted a very nice call-to-arms of sorts: “…those of us wanting a bit more variety out of mainstream super-heroics need to take a pro-active role toward making successes of those titles that speak to our concerns in a meaningful way…. While things are getting better, they will only continue to improve by we in the audience being aware of the market forces at work and keeping vigilant to the trends.” You can read his full post here.

Between February 16th and the 23rd (one of those days is my birthday!) we had seven new members join our ranks. The most pulled books this week, in order, are Amazing X-Men #4, Uncanny X-Men #17, with Justice League #28, Daredevil #36 (the last issue!), and Avengers World #3 tying for third.

Well, readers, listeners, and members, that’s all I have for this week. I apologize for my tardiness with this column, but I believe that I will have things dialed in by next week.

Mike is a husband, father, writer, gamer, and all around geek. His life’s ambition is to write the fictions, either in film, books, or comics. He is currently working on a couple of comics with artists local to his home in Denver, Colorado, which will be…

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