
Sex Criminals #2 Review


Sex Criminals #2

Writer: Matt Fraction

Artist: Chip Zdarsky

Colors: Christopher Sebela

Review by Patrick Brennan

“Like a boss. A boss of being a pervert.”

There is nothing more better as a fan of any medium of entertainment (be it comics, television, movies, or books) then coming across a piece of work that tackles a subject with unflinching honesty, the kind that makes the work reverberate with you right down to your core because it’s hit on something universal.  That’s exactly what we’ve been getting so far in Sex Criminals from Matt Fraction: a straight-up exploration of sexuality, its place in our lives, and the utter chaos it can cause when it first dawns in us.  The fact that it also showcases a fresh, fun, and hilarious story, along with characters that already make you feel invested in this series only two issues in, is icing on the cake.

Issue #2 moves the spotlight from Suzie to her new boyfriend who also happens to have the power to stop time after having an orgasm.  Through a series of flashbacks showing us his oh-so painfully awkward adolescent years, we get to see how Jon first discovered his unusual super power.  In between these, we get some more glimpses of the present day as Suzie and Jon attempt to rob their first bank.

If you ever needed a reminder as to how crappy those hormone-induced inner rampages were when you were a teenager, this series will definitely take you there.  Matt Fraction captures perfectly the feelings that invaded our minds after realizing what our bodies were capable of doing.  The thrill and excitement of that knowledge, and unfortunately for many, the guilt and fear that lingered with it is all there.

Perhaps what’s most surprising about this series is how fun it has been so far.  For touching on such heavy stuff, there are times it feels almost like a sitcom.  The scenes in the bank for instance, with Jon doing his best bankrobber impersonation while clumsily falling on his face, are hilarious.  But the biggest comedic highlight in this issue, which artist Chip Zdarsky deserves a big tip-of-the-hat for, has to go to the Benny Hill chase panel in the sex shop.

Speaking of Zdarsky, his art continues to be an unexpected treat with this series.  His cartoony style feels like it should look out of place, but it only adds to the fun atmosphere the series somehow manages to have while looking at such serious themes.  He seems like the perfect counter-part to Fraction and his particular type of storytelling.  This is definitely a team to watch out for.


Buy this one, folks.  Sex Criminals #2 delivers, fleshing out Jon’s character and building onto a stellar debut that promises a very unique, fun, and thought-provoking series.

Patrick, or T-Bone as he's known in some circles, is a writer for Talking Comics. If you enjoy his thoughts about comics, give him a follow on the twitters where he talks everything under the pop culture sun.

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