
Thor: The Dark World Trailer

The Hammer Drops On November 8th.  ...How is that not the tagline?
The Hammer Drops On November 8th.
…How is that not the tagline?

Marvel’s “Phase II” began this spring with Iron Man 3, and it continues this fall with Thor: The Dark World. As is their way, Marvel has been expertly feeding fan anticipation for the film for some time now. In keeping with that strategy of keeping our appetites well and truly whetted, Marvel has just released a new trailer for the film. Verily, thou canst watch yon trailer by clicking this here link.

Director Alan Taylor (Game of Thrones) seems to have crafted a solid return for the character based on what’s glimpsed here. We’ll find out for certain when Thor: The Dark World hits theaters on November 8th. Like what you see? Sound off below in the comments!

MMorse thinks he has never seen a poem lovely as a tree. You can follow him on that there Twitter thingee at @M_Morse.

MMorse is a comforting fiction. Visit him on Twitter @M_Morse

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