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Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week: 02/06/13

Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week: 02/06/13

A weekly column by Steve Seigh

Welcome to Talking Comics‘ Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! What we have here is all pretty self explanatory. Each week I’m going to reflect on the cover art of some of my favorite new comics and tell you which ones I really dig. But please, remember that this is simply the opinion of one core member of Talking Comics, and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the remainder of our hard working staff.

Simple. Clean. Artsy. Enjoy!

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #20

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Sara Pichelli
Cover by Sara Pichelli

I absolutely love this cover. The positioning and struggle of Miles atop a rather bestial version of Venom is truly something to behold, not to mention the look of Venom himself. Sarah Pichelli has outdone herself in the art department of this issue and this cover is a shining reflection of her skill and ability to convey emotion within her work. Plus, when have you ever seen Venom look so gruesome and menacing? He’s like something out of a Miyazaki film, slithering it’s way toward a spiritual bath house, begging to be cleansed.

Dia De Los Muertos #Uno

Scripts by Alex Link, Christopher E. Long, and Dirk Manning

Art & Cover by Riley Rossmo

Let’s face it, Riley Rossmo covers will always claim a spot in my picks for Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week anytime they happen to grace our hallowed shelves. Riley’s art is evocative and truly something to behold each and every time he comes out of the gate with both of his razor-knuckled fists swinging. The colors, the line work, the harsh emotion it promotes, it’s all just so wonderful. In an industry built on art that stands out and will stand the test of time Rossmo is steadily becoming one of the greats and is truly someone to watch very carefully.

Colder #4

Writer: Paul Tobin
Artist: Juan Ferreyra
Cover Artist: Juan Ferreyra

I haven’t been reading Colder, but damn if I don’t regret not jumping on this series when it first began a few months back. I’m sure that it will be released in trade format within the coming months, so there’s always that. But anyway, this cover is pretty awesome. I’m a big fan of metaphysics and art where we get to view the inside of the human body while still remaining on the outside of the subject being viewed. This cover pulls that off quite nicely and even showcases a harsh and “cold” color palate. I dig it. Now can we fast forward a few months so I can read this sucker? 

The Superior Spider-Man #3

Story by Dan Slott
Art by Ryan Stegman
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Chris Eliopoulos
Cover by Ryan Stegman & Simone Bianchi

There is something so stark and menacing about this cover. It conveys the fact that the Spider-Man universe has truly changed in recent months. Though there are many who have not embraced this new era of Spidey comics (I most certainly have, I’ve been loving this bold new direction for the character), there is no denying that this cover does not evoke a sense of danger and is a clear sign of darker times for the character. Rock on, Dan Slott! I have faith. 

Fairest #12

Story by Lauren Beukes
Art by Inaki Miranda
Colors by Eva De La Cruz
Letters by Todd Klein
Cover by Adam Hughes & Inaki Miranda

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Each and every time Fairest hits the shelves it almost always makes its way onto this list. But you know why that is? Because the art for these covers is damn awesome, that’s why! There’s an incredible sense of loss and decay in this cover as the character gracing it loses themselves in what looks like agonizing despair. Cheerful, right? What can I say, I’m in a mood this week. It’s been a rough one. But none the less, this cover is beautiful and so deserves a spot on this list.

So there you have it, my Favorite Comic Book Covers of the Week! Did I choose your favorite covers? Did I miss one that you felt deserved a spot on this list? If so, I invite you to comment below and tell me what covers you think were the best this week. Keep it colorful, people!

* This list was compiled while listening to the album M B V by the band My Bloody Valentine.


Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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