
Hawkeye #3 Review

Warning: This comic is HAWKTASTIC

Hawkeye #3

Written by Matt Fraction

Art by David Aja

Colors by Matt Hollingsworth

Letters by Chris Eliopoulos

“Why are you still reading this? It’s repetitive.”

This is how the title page ends for issue #3 of Matt Fraction and David Aja’s break-out comic series, Hawkeye. It’s also super meta because why are you still reading this review!? Go out and buy this comic book already!

Matt Fraction and David Aja tell a damn good one-and-done this issue. It’s got everything: It’s got action (trick arrows, car chases, the return of the Track Suit Mafia); it’s got humor (MINI cooper cavalcades, the word “Nocks,” the return of “BRO”); it’s got sexy time (Clint meets an unnamed Red-Headed mystery woman who thankfully is not Black Widow—Bucky & ‘Tasha 4LIFE!). Hilarity ensues and street-level action abounds! Plus, as expected, we get some more of the fantastic relationship between Clint and Kate Bishop. Oh yeah, and a purple VW Beetle.

At the risk of sounding like a repetitive ninny, I want to reiterate that David Aja is one of the best artists in comics today. His layouts are different every single issue. This time, he uses inset panels to caption the assorted trick arrows used throughout the action. Another wonderful sequence design features a car crash with the onomatopoeic “CRASH” actually penciled into the shape of the panels. Stunning. And, whereas issue #2 featured darker blues and solid yellows, Matt Hollingsworth bathes this issue a dry peach, evoking the autumn-in-New-York feel from the series’ debut.


Buy this series, and go buy #1 and #2. Ask your retailer to add it to your pull-list. Bro.

“Why are you still reading this? It’s repetitive.”


Joey Braccino took his BA in English and turned it into an Ed.M. in English Education. Currently, he brings comics back in a big way all day every day to the classroom. In addition to proselytizing the good word of comics to this nation’s under-aged…

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