
Supergirl #11 Review

Supergirl #11 Review

Written by Michael Green and Mike Johnson

Art by Mamud Asrar

Reviewed by Steve Seigh

How fortunate is it that it’s Women in Comics week here at Talking Comics and I have the distinct pleasure or reviewing one of the greatest female oriented book of the DC New 52? Normally I spend a whole lot of words building up to my opinions on the book in question, but not today.  Today, we’re going to get right to the heart of why you should read Supergirl #11

Since the launch of the DC New 52 the females of the DC Universe have had quite a mountain to climb in regard to how they’re viewed by audiences of new and old. Catwoman has become a lady of the evening, flaunting her puss to and fro as she clamors for a hit of catnip inside every male superhero’s armored cod piece, PosionIvy is damn near unrecognizable in her new duds, and Harley Quinn is no longer adorably funny. I ask you, what the hell is happening to our beloved ladies?  

Obviously, we’re not going to be getting to the root of that particular issue here. Instead, let’s talk about how Supergirl has been the exception to this stigma and how Supergirl #11 continues the trend of this being one of the absolute best books of the DC New 52! Supergirl #11 is comprised of so many elements that I find necessary in a superhero comic book. There’s heart, humor, action, and the foundation of some truly meaningful friendships between Kara, Sioban, and Tommy. The writing of Michael Green and Mike Johnson takes Kara to new heights as well as emotional depth as we see our world through Kara’s eyes. Our world frightens her, as it damn well should.

All Kara wants is to be a good person. Where we’re at in her story within the DC New 52 Kara is still adjusting to nearly all of her superpowers. Like a child who must first touch the flame to discover the nature of the pain it is capable of inflicting Kara’s journey is unfortunately one of trial and error. With no one to guide her she relies on the kindness of strangers to help see her through her inner turmoil, and unfortunately, honest people are somewhat hard to come by in Metropolis. 

With the threat of a new villain wearing a set of Nanotech armor rampaging through the streets, Supergirl is going to have to adapt quickly to her still growing powers. Supergirl #11 packs an emotional edge that not too many of the female-centric DC books do nowadays. Her perseverance and innate desire to do good upon this earth for all of us humans who probably don’t deserve it is inspiring to say the least. And now that she appears to have some dependable and loving friends in her very lonely corner I can only hope that things get better for Kara … though, they probably won’t. 


If you’re not reading the DC New 52 Supergirl run than you need to get on that right now. Really, stop reading these words and go pick it up from #1 to the current issue. Kara is inspirational and one of the only women in the DC lineup who can still hold her head high … and keep her tits inside of her costume. 


Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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