
Comic Book Haul 4/19/12


Every week on Talking Comics we are going to do a feature all about your comic book hauls for the week! So tweet us, email us @, or Facebook us pictures of your comic book purchases for that week, your comic book collections, or your local comic book shop and we will feature them here! 

Starting off this week we have some staff pictures.

Steve's haul is always impressive!
Mine is a bit more humble!

Now on to our awesome followers!

@RJW1213 C2E2 haul!
@karazorel shows their Supergirl love!
@ItzKillaCrocYo is loving the Mega Man and Kick Ass!
@ChrisPartin haul is very respectable!
@payableondeath7 shows us this awesome Smallville sketch from Emerald City Con
Bobby Shortle is founder and Editor in Chief of Talking Comics as well as the host of the weekly Talking Comics Podcast. When he's not writing about comics he's making short films which can be found at and talking…

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