
Review: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3



Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Sara Pichelli

Review by John M. Dela Cruz

The last time we left Miles Morales, he just found out from his best friend Ganke that his powers were not because he was mutant, but rather because he was like Spider-Man. That issue ended with Miles Morales, upside down, stuck to his wall, testing out his wall crawling ability.

In this issue, we pick up right were we left off with Ganke rushing over to Miles’ house to check out his wall crawling ability. We get a great conversation piece between the two friends; Miles arguing how he just wants to live a normal life and Ganke trying to convince him to become a superhero. They try to go find Miles’ uncle since it was his apartment where Miles got bitten by the spider, only to find an empty place. Upon wandering around, they stumble upon an apartment complex fire, and we get a glimpse of Miles jumping into the hero role. Again, we get a snap back into reality when Miles is conflicted of what he just did and vows to never do it again. Flash to Miles & Ganke’s admission to the Brooklyn Visions Academy and his life at school. After a terrible nightmare, all the students are rushing into the gymnasium, and they are told that there is a super hero war going on, and Spider-Man just got shot.

I just keep on falling more and more in love with this book. I love the pacing, the artwork, and the conflict that Miles has towards his new found powers. One this that I love the most about this issue, is we get the time frame of when these events happen from the last couple of pages. When I first started reading this book, I had assumed that Peter Parker was already dead and it was picking up from there.


The events taking place in this book happen during Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (Vol 1) issues #156-160 & Ultimate Comics Avengers vs New Ultimates #1-6.

Buy It – I love the direction of this new Spider-Man book, and it keeps on growing each issue.

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