When we last left The Magicians, a violent act had taken place at Brakebills. A figure cloaked in moths attacked the Dean and set its sights on Quentin. We pick up with the aftermath as an investigation is underway. It looks like a crime scene. Blood everywhere.
Meanwhile, Julia is about to undergo some magical hazing, courtesy of Pete. Julia is introduced to Marina. They’re both new recruits to Pete’s secret magic club. He locks them in a meat freezer to test their abilities.
Back to the Brakebills investigation. We learn that the students fought back against the Beast. Kady used an attacking spell, and Quentin was able to get Dean’s watch to unfreeze time. For a bunch of green magicians, the kids did a good job holding their own. This doesn’t mean that everything they’ve done has been a notch in the win column. When they performed the seance to conjure Alice’s brother, they released the Beast by accident.
Penny is rattled from almost being killed by the Beast. At least we initially think that’s the reason. After some prodding from Kady, Penny reveals that while he does hear voices, one voice is dominant over all. It was Penny’s best friend growing up. But could that voice be that of the Beast? Penny believes so. Kady convinces Penny to swipe some items before he leaves. These items will come into play later.

Julia has turned into MacGuyver as she tries to find a way to solve the freezer puzzle and get out. There are a few items in the freezer she can use for a spell. One ingredient is missing — meat. Good thing a corpse just happens to be there at her disposal. Marina is more than a little grossed out. Can’t say that I blame her.
Professor Sunderland finds Quentin, Alice, Penny, and Kady. She found the insignia book that was used for the seance buried in the woods. She takes them all back to her office to interview them one by one. Penny ends up ratting Quentin out. Is there no loyalty between roommates?! Apparently not, as the two of them fight it out. Quentin even uses a spell against Penny, who is able to deflect it with a crystal charm that him and Kady stole earlier.
Julia and Marina brake out of the freezer. Come to find out, the door wasn’t locked. Oops! Pete’s words of wisdom for Julia are “Not everything gets solved by magic.” Another revelation is Marina isn’t who she appears to be. She’s really a level 50 magician, and is willing to teach Julia everything she knows. Marina’s impressed with Julia’s spunk.
Marina might be the surprise of this episode. First we learn she’s already a skilled magician. Next we find out Kady is fetching her items from Brakebills. One of those items being the crystal charm that Penny has. It’s called an Emerson.

This Emerson is making the rounds in the latter half of the episode. Before Quentin goes to see Eliza to has his memory erased, he steals the Emerson from Penny. Quentin’s idea is since the Emerson repels magic, Eliza won’t be able to mind wipe him. Quentin has some tricks up his sleeve. One would assume a would-be magician is pretty clever.
Finally, Eliza visits the Dean in the infirmary. She promises to heal his hands and eyes. All Dean is focused on is stopping the Beast.
The Magicians airs Mondays at 9pm ET on Syfy Channel.