ComicsPodcastTalking Comics

Issue #448: Mama Shark Week with Kelly Sue DeConnick

Issue#448: Mama Shark Week with Kelly Sue DeConnick

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It’s officially Mama Shark week on this week’s podcast as Bob, Aaron, Bronwyn and Steve are joined by Kelly Sue DeConnick for a positively massive interview about everything under the sun. We’re talking exclusive info, Aquaman spoilers, COVID-19 catchup, the state of the comics industry and much, much more!

In addition to the interview, the crew also delivers some spirited Lightning Rounds, gives their take on Mel Brooks’ career, talks about Michael Keaton joining the DCEU and lots more!

Books talked about this podcast: A Man Among Ye #1, Fence (series), The Avant-Guards (series), The Protectors, Pride, and The Last of Us: American Dreams

Time Stamps:

00:3:00 – Lightning Rounds!!!

00:40:23 – News: Michael Keaton to Reprise Batman Role for DCEU

00:51:50 – NCBD Lists

00:58:49 – Break

00:59:13 – Kelly Sue DeConnick Interview

03:07:40 – Post-Credits

The Comic Book Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics ( The podcast is hosted by Steve Seigh ( assistant managing editor & news editor), Bob Reyer, Joey Braccino, Aaron Amos, Jessica Garris-Schaeffer, Sarah Miles, and Bronwyn Kelly-Seigh who weekly dissect everything comics-related, from breaking news to new releases. Our Twitter handle is @TalkingComics and you can email us at

Executive Editor of Talking Comics, Co-Host of the Talking Comics podcast, Host of the Talking Games podcast, Writer of Ink & Pixel featured on, Candadian by proxy, and Pancake King.

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