Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Russell Dauterman
Colors: Matthew Wilson
Letters: VC’s Joe Sabino

The War of Realms continues to rage through the ten realms in the War of Realms #3. For all intent and purposes all of the realms have fallen to Malekith the Accursed and his allies. All that is left to be done at this point is for the triumphant forces to divide up Midgard and deal with some pesky little rebels still too naïve to realize that they have lost. Yet there is still a glimmer of hope, for Malekith has made two fatal errors. One, he has not destroyed the Avengers and two, he has not killed Thor. As long as the Avengers are still assembled and Thor draws breath there is still hope that the Realms can be saved.
The War of Realms #3 picks up the story after the fall of Midgard and the tragic death of Valkyrie. The Avengers and their allies have retreated to their Celestial base to regroup and to plan on their counterattack. It is decided that the remaining forces will split into four groups, each with a specific task. One group must take and hold the Bifrost, located on old Asgard. Another must destroy Malekith’s Black Bifrost, which has allowed the Dark Elf’s troops to move around the Ten Realms. A third group must travel to the Jotunheim to rescue Thor from the Frost Giants all while a fourth and final group must launch a counter attack against Malekith on earth. The War of Realms #3 is then equally divided amongst these four missions as each hero tries to turn the tide of the war.
Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman are creating a truly impressive event, possibly one of Marvel’s best events ever. The War of Realms #3 is a deeply engaging story with beautiful artwork. Even with four distinct stories being told with its pages The War of Realms #3 is easy to follow and somehow each team and characters get their moment to shine. The pacing is perfect and the art is truly breathtaking. I was blown away by Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman when they worked together on Thor and the Mighty Thor, but their work here eclipses both of those titles. This is truly turning into an epic event that will be talked about for years to come.
Verdict: Do yourself a favor and Buy the War of Realms #3. This event is on the way to becoming an epic masterpiece and something that should not be missed.