
She Could Fly #1

Written by, Christopher Cantwell

Art by, Martin Morazzo

Colors by, Miroslav Mrva

Letters by, Clem Robbins

Reviewed by, Tom Zimm



Luna, her high school cohorts, and the city they live in are captivated by the flying woman who appears on television after numerous sightings. She is a sophomore in high school who, like many teenagers, fights off anxiety and the angst that comes with growing up. However, she has intense thoughts and urges that disturb her and make her feel out of place. This story is about the hope that we place in those we see with amazing abilities, but, is more about feeling empowered in our individual situations.


The story was engaging and interesting because of the mystery that surrounds the flying woman. The author plays off the differing responses to the woman to flush out the variations in the human experience.  Whereas Luna found courage and hope in the woman, some of her cohorts openly wished for her to fail. The story meandered a bit, which made it a struggle to see how all the character were connected. Contrastly, by the end of the story, all the connections are made, which made minor characters seem more interesting. It may have benefited the story to make some of the connections earlier in the story which could increase the interest throughout. My one criticism has to do with the art. While detailed, realistic, and creative, at times Luna appears to be older than her stated age, which threw me off at times.  


The entertainment value for me had to do with the woman who flies. I found myself putting my hope in her, what she represented, and whether she could help Luna who is anxious, depressed, and badgered by shocking urges. What kept my interest throughout is the graphic realism of the metaphorical demons that plague Luna. The scenes that show her with her family help flush out more about her character: she’s the girl nobody feels that they have to worry about, the forgotten one. I loved parts of this book and was fine  with the weaker elements. I recommend this book to people who like realism when the use of super-human abilities are present as a tool for self-awareness.


Story = 9

Art = 7

Overall = 8


I am a licensed clinical social worker and trauma therapist. Comic book heroes have been a passion of mine since I was a small child. However, making the weekly trip to the local comic book store to redeem my pull list has become a regular occurrence only…

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