Boom StudiosComicsReviews

By Night #1 Review

By Night #1 Review

Written by John Allison

Illustrated by Christine Larsen

Coloured by Sarah Stern

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

Life rarely pans out how you expect, which often become strikingly apparent when people from your past re-enter your life. This is the situation Jane found herself, as she is a lab assistant instead of her dream of making a film for Sundance. During a day at work, she encounters one of her old friends, Heather and there ensues reminiscing, drinking and some light criminal activity. There are mysteries put in place, crazy adventure and of course, brilliant, and fun characters that make this comic a joy to read. If you love Giant Days, then you will love this book as Allison sets up an interdimensional adventure that oozes charm and takes a look at life and struggles after college.

Larsen’s art is wonderfully quirky with thick but clean inks and cartooning. This with some great panelling and Stern’s vibrant colours fit the offbeat nature of the comic especially of Heather; whilst not allowing the smaller nuances of expression and character to get overlooked.


Buy. Overall this is a really entertaining read, that is full of the heart and charm Allison is known for and gives enough intrigue and mysteries that there is a definite need, if the fun nature was not enough, to come back for future issues.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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