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Go Go Power Rangers #1 Review

Go Go Power Rangers #1 Review

Written by Ryan Parrott
Illustrated by Dan Mora
Colors by Raul Angulo
Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Review by John Dubrawa

It was early last year that I reviewed Boom! Studios‘ Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #1 and declared that the loveably campy 90s show was in the beginning stages of a pop-culture resurgence. Since that time, we’ve seen the Rangers appear in a major motion picture and have a massive comic book crossover with the friggin’ Justice League. MMPR is most certainly back in a big way, and Boom!’s latest foray into the world of comic book contributions to the franchise continues with Go Go Power Rangers #1. In a lot of ways, this book is a companion series to the aforementioned MMPR #1, though writer Ryan Parrott focuses much more on the personal story of the Rangers here than their giant robot counterparts punching monsters. Don’t worry, though, there is still plenty of that.

Similarly to the Kyle Higgins-helmed MMPR ongoing series, Go Go Power Rangers is set in modern day with the plot of the 90s-set TV series. It’s a strange juxtaposition at first, but like Higgins, Parrott makes it work by maintaining the same bright-eyed optimism within our teenage heroes while tossing in an occasional use of a cell phone to ground the story in modern day. Unfortunately, that story begins in media res–with the Rangers just having used their Zords for the first time–so any non-show watcher is going to have zero frame of reference for anything plot-related. It’s a wonder this series doesn’t just begin before the Rangers become their hero counterparts since this story is so close to that moment already; it certainly would have helped new readers climb aboard and been a nice little memory jog for lapsed viewers. Nevertheless, Parrott manages to get the characters right and does so in a way that any reader can pick up on all their personality quirks, like Jason’s dogged determination or Billy’s social awkwardness. Poor Billy.

Another aspect of the book that’s sure to draw the eye of any reader is Dan Mora’s fantastic artwork. Even if you’re someone that hasn’t seen the show, chances are the look of the Power Rangers is ingrained in your mind, and Mora makes them look exactly like how you’re probably picturing them right now. What’s more, when the Rangers are out of their suits, Mora draws them all very distinctly, making it possible to tell who’s who even without the glaringly-obvious color-coded wardrobe. Kudos also to colorist Raul Angulo and letterer Ed Dukeshire for making the overlaid dialogue between all the different Rangers simple to identify who is speaking via subtle background color cues. Angulo’ colors in particular are perfectly suited for a book like this, back when our heroes were bright and optimistic about the world ahead. Ah, simpler times.

The Verdict

Buy it! If you’ve been reading (and loving) the regular ongoing MMPR series that Boom! has been putting out lately, Go Go Power Rangers #1 is more of the same great quality work that honors the original beloved show. It takes place before that series as well, so it operates as a fine companion piece rather than a replacement or an alternative. Anyone that didn’t watch the show that wants to understand this 90s craze are better off watching the show firs as this series, like its predecessor, is aimed mostly at diehard nostalgics.

John has a day job where he sits at a desk all day and at night he reads comics and writes about them. He's like Clark Kent but without muscles, strength, good looks, the ability to fly, or the pension to save people. But otherwise the same. Also…

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