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Talking Movies episode 137: The Movie-Viewing Experience

Let’s switch things up a bit, shall we? This week, the Talking Movies crew takes a slight detour from talking about movies to talk about how we watch movies.

Brian, Chris, and Nick consider what the ideal conditions and settings for great movie experiences are — and whether those conditions really matter, after all. Is a great film still great on a smartphone screen? Can the movie theater experience truly be recreated at home? Does growing up with a laserdisc player and/or a surround sound system make you a spoiled little shit? The guys ponder these questions and much more!

Plus, Brian marvels at the awe-inspiring absurdity of The Fate of the Furious, Nick puts Edgar Wright’s “car-chase musical” Baby Driver up against the cult-favorite filmmaker’s beloved earlier work, and Chris recommends an underrated genre flick featuring the always-entertaining Frank Whalley. Check it out, and drop us a line to let us know what YOUR movie-viewing preferences and pet peeves are!

Talking Movies 137: The Movie-Viewing Experience


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Brian can be reached on Twitter at @BrianVerderosa.

Nick can be found on Twitter at @CinematicNick.

Chris can be found on Twitter at @OllieTwist36.

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