Action LabComicsReviews

The Circle #3 Review

The Circle #3 Review

Written by Damon Clark

Art and Colours by

Lettered by Zen

Reviewed by Lorna Maltman (

This is the issue where the metaphorical rubber hits the metaphorical road. After the ritual and getting beat up, Christian feels isolated and different. He gets invited to another ritual by his ‘friends’ (and we all know how well that went last time) and it seems that the ritual has given his ‘friends’ powers too. This leads to an ending that foretells the momentous decision that Christian must make in order to save himself from possession.

Clark does a great job capturing the voice of teenage kids, giving them enough character to lift them from being nameless stereotypes that fade into the background of stories. The ending is slightly clichéd or exposition-heavy, especially compared to the rest of the comic, which deftly interweaves plot, answering questions and character depth and progression so that the exposition is negligible.

The art by Zherno captures the creepy occult nature of this comic perfectly with the ghostly whisps/people emanating from Christian being a highlight of this issue.


Give it a shot. This series is shaping up to be a great one, with characters that have more depth than most and a great mystery occult thriller story paired with odd but fitting art.

Currently studying for her History BA, but finds herself more often than not, reading comics or watching an ever expanding list TV shows.

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